Tagged: Strange Confessor

Download This!: Fay Wrays “Comrade Weather”


The Fay Wrays have already leaked one song off their upcoming album "Strange Confessor" and now we have another one. This one you can download and have alls to yourself (thanks, Fay Wrays). We find the song ("Comrade Weather") quite pleasing to our inner badass.

Dare you to find a heavier riff around town: ComradeWeather.mp3

Comrade Weather

[Album artwork done by Michael Evans Howe]

And again, big show Saturday at Fulton 55:

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New Music Monday [Post 2 of 3]: The Fay Wrays Leak “She Gave Me A Compass”

Popular on The Fresnan and soon to be to the rest of Fresno, local post punk band the Fay Wrays. They just competed their new album titled "Strange Confessor". It's not available yet but they leaked one of the songs off it. It very much kicks the ass:

She Gave Me A Compass by faywraysfresno

There will soon be a party at Fulton 55 to celebrate the new CD. It contains the best lineup we've seen all year. For serious:
