Tagged: downtown

Incoming!: Sudz In The City Saturday @ The Chuck



Ohhhh, so they finally got smart and opened up the 600 Club during Sudz In The City. Although it's VIP for another $25. Yeah, we get it, you gotta charge extra so you don't have us every drunkass douchebag stumbling around up in the club.

Bands that will be playing this year: DB & the Struggle, Super Lucky Catz, Motel Drive, On the Fly, Monkey Wrench and Annette Ash Trio.

Might be fun, might suck, either way we're glad it's still around and downtown.

F.U.S.E. Fest 2010: It’s A Ways Off, But Still…

FUSElogowskyline Because we can't come up with something to post are already getting a little excited about the 2010 version of the Fresno Urban Sound Experience Festival, thought we'd throw an update up to give Fresno music and downtown fans something to chew on.

  • VENUES. The festival will still be sticking with using operating Downtown Fresno businesses that are in decent walking distance from one another. In fact, highlighting downtown businesses is a large part of what the festival is about. And as for the parking garage, it was kinda awesome but don't look for a return. (Unless you'd like to sponsor it? No? Didn't think so.)
  • MUSIC. Here there is a slight change. Still will highlight Fresno area bands that play original music, still will try and keep a nice mix of bands. But things have opened up a bit and we will be looking at bands that have ties to Fresno too. For instance, if you have Fresno natives in your band and like to come play here, you're probably in. Also we'll be again mostly looking at bands that haven't played in the two previous festivals – that won't be hard because our want list is already near full.
  • WHEN. No date has been set but it will again be around the beginning of fall, or whatever Saturday the Bulldogs aren't playing Boise or something.
  • SPONSORS. It could be your awesome Fresno bizz. Hit us up if you want in on this whole support-local-music-and-downtown thing. Also, look for a fund-raising show or two this summer.
  • NAME. Yeah, the whole legal wrangling thing with Fuse TV is still in play so a new name is coming (and no, we won't just be putting "re" in front of it this year). It may be totally different or only slightly so. Whatever is decided on, it will be permanent. 

Yeah we've got a while but it doesn't hurt to start the buzz now. And while we wait, you can always keep following the local music scene with us and suggest bands you'd wanna see in this year's fest. Or let us know what you liked and didn't about last year's.

Dudes, Somebody Please Get Us An Invite To A Third Floor ‘Balcony Party’ At Iron Bird Lofts

Iron Bird

In case you missed the news, the Iron Bird Lofts in Downtown Fresno are finished enough to have people start moving in. In fact, this weekend they had an open house so Fresnans could see the downtown views (like the above pic Kiel from Archop shot) for themselves and maybe think about having one of their own.

Very cool that Fresnans have several loft living options in the Downtown Triangle, with more to come. Guess Fresno is not just suburbia sprawling crazyness, after all.

Focused On Fresno: Downtown’s Fresh & Easy Market Edition – UPDATED

Fresno 112

You may have read the news in the Bee: Fresh & Easy is coming to Fresno for realsies this time. The downtown location (pictured above) is supposed to be the first one in Fresno to open, since it's already built and all. 

We think it's the perfect one to open first because it's downtown. The first real grocery store to open in the Downtown Triangle, like, ever. Very much awesome.

But, it make us think (a rare event): Which market will the people living in the downtown lofts like Ironbird and Vagabond, shop? Will it be the new Fresh & Easy (located at Tulare and R), or the Tower Market (Olive and Van Ness)? They are both similar distances from the lofts even though the Tower Market is in a different area. Hummm.

Cool problem for downtown folks to have.

**If you're thinking of working at Fresh & Easy, check this out and this.

Fresno's first grocery store within the Downtown triangle, Fresh & Easy, looks done on the outside (except for signage). But, it doesn't look like much is going on inside yet. Things seem to be on hold, in fact. Bako had their opening already, where is ours,  ya bastards?

Looking forward to seeing how well this does Downtown.

Monday Morning Hangover: re:FUSE Festivals On

Re:FUSE Fest, the downtown music festival that we’ve been hitting you over the head with, was Saturday and it was a success. Sure, we would have liked more people (and a jacket for the top of the Spiral Garage) but there was enough attendance and enjoyment to warrant a 2010 music festival fur sure (and there will be one).

This being only the second year of the fest, everyone’s still learning (bands, fans and organizers). But, at the end of the thing, we didn’t notice a bad time being had by anybody. We, frankly, had a blast.

That doesn’t mean there isn’t room for improvement and those of us organizing the fest are listening. We are certainly paying attention to this Beehive post and if you put up your own review at Fresno Famous or anywhere else on Fresno’s blogosphere, we’ll be reading that too. Hell, we’re even reading your re:fusey tweets about it. So find your favorite spot to criticize and let us know what was good and bad – or even why you didn’t go.

For now, let’s enjoy some video from Saturday, starting with Yesterday’s Chonies kicking the festival off atop the Spiral Garage with a special appearance by Blake Jones:

More video after the jump…

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re:FUSE Fest: Fresno’s Biggest Music Festival Is Here!

FuseFlyer Hopefully you haven't been too annoyed with the amount of re:FUSE Fest postings lately. Sorry, but we love seeing local bands and the Fresno Urban Sound Experience is the mega-store for just that: experiencing what Fresno has to offer musically. Near every kind of Fresno band, DJ and hip-hop artist will be represented Saturday starting at 3 atop the Spiral Garage, then splintering out (within walking distance) into more downtown venues.

Please don't just take our word on how awesome Saturday's festival will be (pre-party Friday at Full Circle – 8pm). Listen to some folks we respect more than this blog's opinion:

Mike Osegueda – Fresno Bee:
"With a one-stop shopping approach and a getting-started-early schedule, it's probably the best opportunity for someone to dabble in Fresno's music scene.

Let's put it this way: If you've always wanted to dive into the deep pool that is Fresno's music scene but never got past sticking your foot in, this weekend is a good chance to take the plunge."

Joshua Tehee – Fresno Famous:
"Right now, you need to decide this is something you want to do. Forget all the things that might keep you away and decide that your plans for Oct. 2 and 3 will include time for this. Decide that you will find parking. You will get over your fear of being shot/mugged/panhandled. You will pay your $15 and you will be downtown after dark and you will have fun and yes, that is very much OK."

Alright, some key links for ya in case you haven't been following along:

Also, we'll try to upload some video to our YouTube channel during the fest (as long as our phone's battery will let us) and do some tweeting, if you're mobile and care. Also, you can follow us, or the FUSE tweets, we're sure Mike Oz, Travis S, Ed Stew, Down WordSonic Foundation and many others will be updating (leave a comment with your Twitter address if you want folks to follow ya).

So there, it's going to be hella fun and great and all that, all ages (mostly), we can't wait, hope to see ya, enjoy the Fresnoness!

re:FUSE Fest: Updates and Band Schedules


Alright, now the re:FUSE Fest hyping is starting to get really fun because the schedule for when and where the bands play Saturday has been released (check on the right of the page). This is fun because we can sit down and start planning our day. What bands do we want to see over another band? Where and when will we take a dinner break? What time and place will our beer-buzz kick in?

Mike Oz at the Beehive has got a primer post up and so does Famous Whitewater at FF. Very good posts if you want to get your basic info along with some more heartfelt stuff.

Listening to hype is fun too, that's why you should check out "Bill McEwen's Straight Talk" show from Tuesday. The aformentioned, Famous Whitewater (aka Joshua Tehee), was on and did a couple informative and entertaining segments with Bill, talkin' all re:FUSE Fest. To listen, click here and then click "Joshua Tehee 1".

Wanna see the backdrop the bands will be playing in front of at the Spiral Garage venue?


I dunnoooo, we think it's going to look pretty damn sweet. Just don't fuck around too much up there (you know, like being all drunk on the ledge) or you will never see the top of the garage used for anything cool ever again.

Here is what you need to know about the Spiral Garage for the Saturday portion of the festival: It's key. It is where you'll get your wristband that is good for all venues (the other venues will NOT be selling them [except Full Circle on Friday night]), it is where you'll probably wanna park (for free, btw). And it's where the first band kicks off Saturday (Yesterday's Chonies @ 3:00). More good spiral info can be found within this Blake Jones post at Fresno Famous.

Re-FUSE Fest 2009: The Bands Have Been Released

FUSElogowskyline Wooo hoo and stuff! The lineup has been announced for the 2009 Re-FUSE Fest (check here and here if you're wondering why there is a "Re-"). We gotta say, when you factor everything in, it's a pretty solid list.

What are those factors exactly? Well, since we've been one of many people helping put the bands together, we know those factors to be:

  • Bands needed to be local – It isn't called the Fresno Urban Sound Experience for nothing.
  • Try for bands that didn't play last year's festival – this one wasn't followed 100% but it was factored in.
  • The full list will need to be as diverse as Fresno and its music scene.

There ya go. That simple (well, not really). But those were the basic factors. Something else to consider, there were a few bands that we really wanted but they had other commitments and a lot more bands that we wanted to be involved, but we simply ran out of room.

So, keeping all that in mind, after the jump, lets take a look at the list of bands and DJs for this year's festival:

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Will Fresno’s FUSE Fest Bow Down to Fuse TV?

FUSElogowskylineThe 2009 version of the FUSE Fest is coming October 3rd (Fresno Urban Sound Experience) and we're pretty damn excited about it.

There will be over 30 Fresno area bands/performers (that doesn't even include the DJ venue) invading Downtown Fresno this year. The venues are mostly focused on the Fulton Mall area so festival goers can walk around to the different spots throughout the night – and downtown businesses can be highlighted.

Yep, those that went to the first festival may have noticed there are many more bands than last year. Speaking of more, the amount of venues have double (that is if a replacement for the loss of Milano can be found).

Things seem to be building from last years success.

So much so it's caught the eye of Fuse.TV. You know, that music television network that's buried in your 500-plus channels so deep you don't even know it's there.

Well, they and their lawyers have sent a cease and desist letter to FUSE Fest. Fuse TV believes Fresno's FUSE is a copyright infringement on their use of Fuse Fest, saying they had it first (even though Fresno's version owns the website) and they're bigger and junk, so give it up.

In other words: Fresno's FUSE Fest comes up first when you google "fuse" and "fest" and that's not cool with a big-old national network.

Creative Fresno (the engine powering this festival) and the FUSE Fest team are currently weighing their options.


  • Yes, you heard it right, new this year is the DJ venue. That will be at The Loft and it will be a nice addition, highlighting the deep DJ pool Fresno possess.
  • Also new is a pre-party on Friday night (October 2nd) at Full Circle Brew in Chinatown. Many of the bands playing Saturday will have a chance to play a couple stripped down versions of what we can expect the next night. It's also a chance for musicians from different styles to mingle and talk shop in a cool, beer filled, atmosphere.
  • Expect the ticket price to be up from last year's, but not much. It's all going back to the bands (and DJs) anyway so feel good about it.
  • The after party is again at Tokyo Garden and is expected to be overflowing and awesome.
  • Venues currently (subject to change) are: Friday night: Full Circle. Saturday: The Loft. Smokehouse. Club One. Joe's Steakhouse. Hero's. Saturday night: Tokyo Garden.
  • The festival is always looking for volunteers.
  • The list of bands is being kept a semi-secret so there can be a big "reveal day" – that day is coming soon.

Whatever option is taken by (or forced upon) Creative Fresno and FUSE
Fest, it is certain there will be a FUSE Fest this year and in years to
come. It just might be named FUSE Fest, RE:FUSE Fest or something completely different.

Doesn't matter, it'll still be our favorite Fresno festival.

[Disclosure: We are on the FUSE Fest commitee and are members of Creative Fresno.]

Monday Morning Hangover: A Voyer’s Pee Filled Dream

The most interesting thing from Friday's concert at the Chuck was not John Cougar, Willie and his pot smoking Fresno fans, Dylan being unintelligible, or even that there was an actual concert there (more shows at the stadium please)…

It was the placement of this port-a-john:


On home plate guys? Really? Right in the center of the concert setup? Where everybody sitting in the stands can watch someone walk in and do their business (and probably time it).

Did anybody use this during the show? We need to know these things.

[Pic stolen from sarahkate1's twitter feed]